Well, the year is dawning to a close… and ServerSideWiki has told me it’s lonely, and it’s New Years resolution is again to become the apple of my eye. Plus it’d give me something to talk about (at least a little) at RailsConf.

So I’ve been thinking about some big changes… mostly cool/unique/well-done things that the other client/server people can’t just copy so easy (no offense guys – you’re great, but leading the way with cool ideas is fun too)… ie, really start to leverage Rails on the server.

  • Multiple logins per account, and simultaneous edits with smart locking, conflict checking… I don’t think anything does this right/well yet
  • Access, edit, delete, rename, tag via WebDav using your favorite file utility (just cause it’d be cool)
  • Smart downloading (only fetch the most used tiddlers and load the rest dynamically)… welcome to the most scalable server solution…
  • ServerSide parsing (for full textile + some cool things that I’m *not* going to port to JS)… but not at much of a speed cost… gotta think about this one… I want the best of both worlds…
  • This allows for some really cool ServerSideWiki specific things if it can be done well. And is a trail most other solutions won’t embrace due to the high level of integration required between client and server
  • I’m open to other suggestions… anything uber-geek or cool or just nice/functional will be considered.

Loyal users, write in… and yes… if I create a whole new beast with all the above features we’ll have to get the paying plans going, though a few features may slide into free accounts, or free trials, or something…