Some frequently asked questions:

-Do you plan to release the code for ServerSideWiki?
-Yes and no. The code for the full online service will not be released, but a one-user version is coming *very soon*.

Stay tuned for the OpenSource release of SoloWiki.


-Is there any fee for this service?

-Currenty, the service is free for all, included paid features. This will change after launch.


-Will you be charging for this service in the future?
-Yes. Please see the LaunchAnnouncement. Free accounts will continued to be offered.



Our official launch date is September 6th and information on our PricingPlans is now available. Paid plans will go into effect following launch.

We’d like to thank those of you already onboard before the launch date. A lot of features and things will be brought up to speed in the next 30 days, so hang on for the ride. Please continue to enjoy your free, unrestricted accounts until then. See the PricingPlans page for more information on how this transition may affect you.

At launch we will provide an XML or TiddlyWiki compatible export for users who enjoyed the free service but aren’t interested in a paid account. Your data is always yours.

Of course you’re welcome to continue to use the features of your new free account indefinately.


Premium Standard Basic Free
Pages/tiddlers allowed 1,000 200 50 10
Non-prominent ServerSideWiki branding yes yes yes no
PrivatePages yes yes yes yes
PrivateWiki (requires login to view) yes yes yes no
PublicWiki yes yes yes no
Individual publically editable pages yes yes yes no
RSSFeeds yes yes yes yes
SystemConfigPages yes yes yes no
RevisionControl yes yes no no
Monthly Fee $18 $9 $5 free
Yearly Fee (with discount) $180 $90 $50 free
Planned features (no ETA)
OfflineSyncing to server yes yes no no
BackpackIntegration yes yes no no
SSL yes yes no no


-Can multiple users edit the same site?
-No, that is not possible at this time.

Multi-user functionality is on the Wish List.